Saturday, 5 January 2008

2008....Why have you been such a dissapointment?

The 1st blog of 2008 will start as such.......2008 has been one fucked up 4 days. End.

The very first thing I felt upon meeting 2008 was excitement and hope. My relationship with 2007 had been disappointing, at times surprising, but generally along the same lines as 2004, 2005, and 2006....boringly fucked up. I never speak of 2003 because it is too ugly, too sinister and much too depressing to even think about. I anticipated the coming change of 2007 into 2008. I believed in the power of the ball drop, the countdown, the exchange of the 7 for a brand, new shiny 8. And what I got was 4 days of pure, unadulterated hell as will be chronicled here.

December 31st, 2007: (Although this is technically not in 2008, it is the lead up, the prequel to the first truly bad moment of 2008.)
I planned to spend New Years at a friends house in Scarborough (East Toronto, but I'm from West Toronto...this will become relevant). When I got there I felt a strange tickle in my throat, which steadily grew into a massive mucus filled blockage which led to ear pains, and a bad case of smokers cough (even though I am not a smoker!). Later that night my car needed to be moved forward in the driveway to make room for other cars. However, because I was getting sicker and sicker, my friend offered to do it for me (it was ridiculously cold outside). When he returned I was too busy eating (I sometimes blame that awesome food for this) to take my keys back, but I figured I'd get them back later. I ended up sleeping over and woke up the next morning with no clue as to where my keys were. Leading to January 1st, 2008......

January 1st, 2008: Having woken up with the sole purpose of getting home to self-medicate with left-over antibiotics and Advil cold & flu liquigels (mmm, tasty) I looked around for my car keys. It is at this very moment my keys (for the first time in forever) were nowhere to be found. It took 5 people, 4 hours to search a one story bungalow for a set of massive keys (I have 10,000 key chains attached together) with no luck. At around 1pm, I spent an hour or so calling around to my friends (who were all passed out from the heavy partying of the night before) to get somebody to bring my spare set of keys from my house in the West, drive over to the East end, and then possibly help me dig out my car from a million inches of snow (I live in a condo....I remembered why that day, underground parking is heaven!). I finally got a friend (woke him up more like) to do all that for me. But, to this day, my keys have not been found. My theory? I believe it was the ghosts. What ghosts, you may ask? The ghosts of 'Make My Life Miserable'.

January 2nd, 2008: Besides being passed out, drugged up and depressed for having lost my keys, it was a pretty great day. Oh yeah, one of the very best ever (hear the sarcasm people).

January 3rd, 2008: It's simple, really, me and 3 girlfriends were going to shop in Buffalo for the day (Yay, Canadian dollar!) and were T-boned by some asshole American driver right as we finished with US Customs (Boo, American drivers!). He ran a 3-way stop, totaled the entire front right part of the car, slammed into us so hard the passenger door could not be opened, and had the front right wheel at the most awkward angle (and yet assured us it was okay to drive on the highway, for an hour and a half, back to Toronto....what a douchebag!). His '74 Chevy barely had a scratch. Fuckin American drivers with their sturdy retro American cars. We called the cops, somehow got the car back to the other side of the border (going 5km/h, over a bridge, on a single lane...I thought I was going to die!), and sat at McDonalds at Duty Free until the car got towed and somebody came to pick us up. So, a day that started at 7am, with an accident at 10 am, ended at 5 pm....with no new clothes to show for it. And on we go......

January 4th, 2008: I was supposed to fly back to London on the 11th, but due to extenuating circumstances (aka my brother losing his job with Air Canada) I had to leave no later than the 6th in order to keep my cheap, $220 standby roundtrip ticket to London. So, here I was (still sick) up at 5:30 am to catch a 9 am flight back to London....on standby (the word of the day). I check my bags, have a latte at Starbucks (which will be my only meal of the day, if lattes count as meals) go to my gate and....find out I can't get on the flight. When is the next flight? 6, fuckin, pm! I'm forced to go reclaim my luggage, get a new boarding card, BUT can't check in because you can only do that 4 hours before your flight. I take my mom's car keys (she works at the airport) drag my multiple bags to her car, and drive home to get some sleep. I come back for the 6 pm flight and no luck there either. I wait for the 8 pm flight and nothing. I give up and go up to the Air Canada desk where I'm told they've oversold on all their flights by 30 people, then downgraded 2 of their large planes to smaller ones. This meant that many full paying customers were going on standby...ahead of me. This didn't even begin to add to the fact that there is an employee seniority ranking in which I was at the bottom of! I was told, very bluntly, not to return until the 8th of January. The day started at 5 am, and ended at 11 pm....sucky?....I think so.

[On a sidenote, met a VERY cute boy during my long wait for the 6pm flight. More on that later. I don't want to mess with the general horror of the last 4 days by adding a small ray of sunshine.]

And so....2008 has been quite shitty. Does that mean I have more crap to look forward to? Or is this the downward spiral that only leads to an upward climb? I guess we'll see.

Oh yeah, and FUCK YOU Chevy makers!
Oh and you too Air Canada!
And you too, snow, for making me sick!
And a big FUCK YOU, to the first 4/365th of 2008! You truly sucked ass!

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