Tuesday, 8 January 2008

Judge Not Lest Ye Be Completely Fucked

I make it a point to keep all my judgements (okay, maybe most of them) to myself. It is a safety tactic I use to avoid having my ass kicked or being sternly talked to (I hate being sternly talked to!). Just between us, let me be honest for a minute here: I love to judge what I understand, and most of all what I don't understand. I do this in my head to my great amusement, and sometimes slap myself on the wrist (in my head, of course) for all the naughty things I come up with. I have quite the articulate thought process. However, while I self-censor in this arena to the detriment of my moral ideals about my self constitutional rights, I do believe that it is for the greater good. How would the world be if all us judged each other in the most vocal ways? It seems we would be PerezHilton-ing ourselves to the fiery depths of hell. Epiphany: is that not exactly what we're doing right now? Why should I keep my mouth shut if Perez Hilton doesn't have to? Why does TMZ get to judge, humiliate and inform me on where I can see them do both, but I have to keep a lid on my feelings and thoughts. Why must I choke back words the sake of....decorum?

I have decided that although my ass may get kicked (and I will have to pay for self defence lessons) I deserve the same freedom, without judgement, to speak my own judgements on the current state of, well, everything. Freedom of speech, do you say? Why thank you, I'll take one! I will ignore the fact that I can hurt people's feelings, that I could harm my own image, and especially that it is not my place to judge. I figure if I couldn't be judgemental I wouldn't have the capacity to think. Or is it my capacity to think that should encourage me not to be judgemental? Hmmm, I haven't quite figured it out, but this isn't relevant. There are Britney's to discuss, neighbours to mock, friends to scoff at, and especially clever words to put together to articulate my judgements. No need to stop to think and wonder about the consequences. No time to evaluate the situation. No want to worry about the outcome. No, there is no time to judge whether being vocal in your judgements is the wrong thing to do.

Hmmm, maybe tomorrow I'll start with my neighbours who are having domestic issues (I think she's feeling post-baby fat blues and using jealousy to slowly drive away a husband who was originally more attractive than she was, which I judge to have also been a source of insecurity). Oh and the day after I'll get to my friend who's stuck in the worst has-been-over-for-the-last-2-years "relationship" with a guy who is a complete fuckhead (I think she's a masochist who is afraid she will not meet anybody better and therefore convinces herself that this asshole is the best she can do....and she does, even though I love her, deserve everything she gets). And finally, I'm going to touch on the fact that there are people I judge to be unattractive, stupid, uninteresting, and useless to my life....and yes, some of them are my "friends".

It seems judging people quasi out-loud in a blog is easier than I believed. And as of now no ass kicking as occurred. Maybe I'll keep this judging business blog bound. It feels rather "wrong" to take it out into the real world. I may re-think my decision, but as long as it's cool for Perez....well, I guess I can wait for my mom to do it, or I could do it myself. If Perez is going to jump off a bridge, would I do it too? No, but I sure as hell would judge him for it.

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