I should probably write about the things that have been happening to me in the last couple of months. Much of it feels like a blur really. I went to Los Angeles...almost died over Kansas City....started my thesis...and I'm currently closing the London chapter of my life. Seems like too much to write about, surely too much to string together in coherent sentences without getting carpal tunnel.
I want to be a songwriter. Honestly, I find myself feeling so many different kinds of emotions that my emotional state almost begs to be put to some sort of chord or note or string. I can't help but think that my current state of life would best be captured in song (maybe even a dance). When I listen to particular songs I feel like somebody "out there" got the music and lyrics to my life right. Sigh. Have you ever heard Matchbox 20's Unwell? If you haven't then you should get on that...quickly. If you ever feel like you're going crazy and can't be understood, I'm pretty sure Rob Thomas understood which is why he wrote that song. You know what I listen to now? The music of my life. That consists of random conversations with people at international airports, figuring out mathematical riddles for my seat mates on planes, falling in love with watermelon juice at trendy LA happy hour bars, watching Stephen Colbert and laughing like a crazed woman (the man is comedic gold), writing the kind of thesis that might change my life and falling for an amazing guy who makes me believe the impossible (mostly that not all men are complete assholes). I'm at a place in my life where adulthood is greeting me with a briefcase, a list of "must do's", and a road map to possible futures. I like the one that shows me happy.
I'm supposed to be making sense and I hope I am. However, I'm feeling dulled by the fight I had with Noel last night, and the making up we did this morning, the small tokes of Mary Jane I partook in last night, and the revival of my addled brain this morning.
I'm saying goodbye to London, and hello to Toronto. I'm say goodbye to distance, and hello to closeness. I was supposed to grow. Did I? I can't wait for hindsight to come-a-knockin'.
I'm stopping by to say I haven't forgotten about you, but that I've been a little preoccupied with watching my life put together some music and lyrics for me. I want to see this song play out. Afterwards, I'll have some words that seem less...distracted. Soon. Goodbye. Oh....and hello.